The Relaxing Properties of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
Posted on September 27 2020,

Did you know that about 8 out of every 10 Americans say that they are either chronically stressed (44%) or occasionally stressed (35%) within their daily lives? Considering that these percentages equate to millions of people, it is quite an eye-opener to how stress truly affects society as a whole. In general, stress can surface more severe health conditions, such as high blood pressure and even heart problems when prolonged. Though many go on to seek professional help, the compelling abilities of lemon verbena essential oil might just remediate your stress levels to get you back into a more relaxed state of mind naturally.
What Is Lemon Verbena Essential Oil?
Lemon verbena essential oil is a wonderful stress-relieving remedy that is derived from the lemon verbena, aka Aloysia Citriodora, which is a plant within the Verbenaceae family. It is native to South America, more specifically Chile, Argentina, and Peru, and was introduced to Europe by Spaniards dating back to the 17th century. From that point on, lemon verbena essential oil has become a well-known scented oil, cultivated for both culinary purposes, fresh lemony aroma, and of course, its stress-relieving abilities.
Health Benefits
One of the primary reasons why so many people turn to this iconic essential oil is to reduce feelings of stress. Lemon verbena essential oil is exceptional for doing this because not only does it provide an alluring, relaxing scent that elevates moods, but it is also great for calming nerves and restoring the balance of hormones that are causing your body to react adversely to external situations.
Now, as excellent as this essential oil is for reducing stress due to its therapeutic and antioxidant properties, it prevents cell damage and removes toxins that can be harmful to your body. It is also used in various other ways as well, including:
- Promoting proper digestive health
- Reduced cramping due to its inflammatory elements
- Softens and clears skin as a result of the emollient properties
- Enhances concentration, focus, and stimulates brain function
- Known to lower fevers (promotes sweating to break fevers)
- Increases overall immunity because oxidative stress that is caused by free radicals can harm the immune system and your organs.
- Promotes muscle health by healing weak connective tissues and reducing lactic acid
Tips: Always do a patch test before using, dilute with a carrier oil every time, and try to avoid the sun after applying the oil, as sun exposure can increase sensitivity.
How to Use Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
Overall, there are several ways you can leverage the power of lemon verbena essential oil. For instance, a leading way is to use them within burners and vaporizers, which offers a vapor therapy scent, ideal for nervous conditions, and those dealing with stress and/or depression. You can also try using several drops of the oil within a bath. Lemon verbena essential oil diluted in bath water can assist with any digestive problems as well as treat things like insomnia while clearing your mind of your day to day stresses. Another option would be to topically use lemon verbena essential oil in a cream or a lotion, which is fantastic if your mission is to reduce skin puffiness or soften your skin.
Tip: Though you can dilute your lemon verbena essential oil with a carrier oil of your choosing (or bath water), it works particularly well when blended with elemi, neroli, or palmarosa oils.
Different Recipes to Consider
To give you some more support and guidance to get the most of your lemon verbena essential oil, here are some key recipes to consider blending it with to optimize results.
For Diffusers:
- 3 drops of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
- 3 drops of Mandarin
- 3 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
- 3 drops of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
- 3 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil
- 3 drops of Clary Sage Essential Oil
Roll on Recipe:
- 0.3 ounces of Almond Oil
- 2 drop of Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
- 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- 2 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
Conclusion - Live a Much Better Quality, Stress-free Life Today
With stress being a part of life, it is crucial you take control and manage it properly so that it can become a way for you to grow rather than become debilitated. Because it is all too easy to fall into an adverse mental state that is fostered by stress from day to day life, taking the right steps right now is the key way to begin heading down the right path to living the quality life that you deserve. Sure, seeking medical assistance and speaking to a professional are all wonderful ways to better your wellbeing, don't forget that there is a natural and healthy way to increase your progress too, and that solution is lemon verbena essential oil. Using this alongside other stress management resources will surely provide you with all the right tools to get on the best path to a prospering, stress-free life.
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